Who Do I Contact and How?
To provide information about your child or to raise general queries about your child or the class:
WHO: Your child's Class Teacher/Nursery staff
HOW: At the classroom door at drop off or pick up times (if the Class Teacher/Nursery staff feels a longer discussion is required, they will schedule an additional meeting with you in school), or at Parent Consultation evenings
FunZone bookings (after the School Money deadline has passed) or queries:
WHO: FunZone staff: Mrs. Daniels or Mrs. Wood
HOW: At the FunZone door at drop off or pick up times or email
ANY queries about before or after school clubs or music lessons:
WHO: The relevant Club provider
HOW: Via the relevant contact details on our Clubs page
Reporting your child's absence from school:
WHO: School Secretary: Mrs. Friel
HOW: Via Studybugs only: https://studybugs.com/signin or the App (please click here for more information on Studybugs, including how to register)
Nursery places and visits prior to requesting a Nursery place:
WHO: Nursery Team
HOW: Email nursery@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk or call 01525 860206 (option 2)
School visits prior to requesting a School place:
WHO: Office Manager: Mrs. Hayes
HOW: Email generaladmin@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk or call 01525 860206 (option 3)
Requesting a School place:
WHO: Central Bedfordshire Council Admissions Team
HOW: Email admissions@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or call 0300 300 8037
ANY finance-related queries (including FunZone payments and any issues with School Money):
WHO: Finance Manager: Mrs. Parsons
HOW: Email finance@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk
General school queries (not related to a specific class or child) e.g. uniform that cannot be answered from looking at our website:
WHO: School Secretary: Mrs. Friel
HOW: Email parents@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk
Requesting pupil Leave of Absence for your child during the School Year:
WHO: School Secretary: Mrs. Friel
HOW: Complete the form here and email it to
Providing medicine your child needs during the School Day:
WHO: School Secretary: Mrs. Friel
HOW: Complete a medicines form (found here) and either email it to parents@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk or print and bring it to the front office with the required medication
N.B. Please do not give medicine to Class Teachers
Support with a Special Educational Need or Disability your child may have (including learning or behavioural needs):
WHO: Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator: Mrs. Bingley (or Mrs. Burraway)
HOW: Email send@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk
Support with Wellbeing needs your child may have:
WHO: Wellbeing Leads: Mrs. Burraway and/or Miss Grassi
HOW: Email wellbeing@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk
Support with any Safeguarding needs your child or your family may have:
WHO: Safeguarding Officers: Mrs. Bingley, Mrs. Burraway, Mrs. Hayes, Mrs. Woodcraft, Miss Grassi
HOW: Email sgsupport@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk
School Meals/School Dinners:
WHO: School Grid
HOW: Email support@schoolgrid.co.uk or 01506 300310
Concerns or complaints about a member of staff (not the Headteacher):
WHO: The Headteacher: Mrs. Bingley
HOW: For concerns, email generaladmin@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk, for complaints, via the complaints process found here (email any completed complaint to generaladmin@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk)
Concerns or complaints about the Headteacher or the general running of the school:
WHO: The Governors
How: For concerns, email clerk@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk, for complaints, via the complaints process found here (email any completed complaint to clerk@clophillstmarysschool.co.uk)