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Clophill St Marys CofE lower school

Roles and Responsibilities within School

Ultimately, Mrs. Bingley, the Headteacher, is responsible for the operational day-to-day running of the school. 

The Governing Body then support Mrs. Bingley with the strategic running of the school, through termly Governing Body meetings.

As per our Home School Agreement, our general roles and responsibilities within school are to:

  • create an inclusive, safe and caring environment in which pupils feel secure and happy
  • be faithful to the Christian ethos of the school
  • foster a sense of worth within each individual and of mutual respect between all members of the school community
  • set high expectations of learning and encourage children to achieve these
  • provide a balanced curriculum to meet individual needs
  • provide information to parents about their child through regular meetings and reports (or just reports where meetings are not possible)
  • promote a shared responsibility between parents and the school for the education of their children

In order to achieve this, we ensure the following:

  • All staff are provided with updated copies of our policies and procedures and asked to sign to say they have read and understood them 
  • All lessons are planned and prepared by a Qualified Teacher (or Trainee Teacher under the supervision of a Qualified Teacher)
  • All lessons are adapated to meet the needs of ALL children - there is suitable support AND challenge for ALL
  • All lessons are taught and marked by a trained and competent member of staff.  This is usually the Class Teacher.  However, when the Class Teacher is absent, on their non-contact time or having subject leader time, this will be a suitably qualified and experienced member of staff or suitably experienced and competent student teacher
  • All Class Teachers are also subject leaders, responsible for a specific curriculum subject or subjects.  They receive dedicated subject leader time to complete the following activities:
    • Ensuring the curriculum we teach is fit for purpose and relevant for our children 
    • Checking standards across the curriculum area:
      • Monitoring the quality of work in books
      • Ensuring what is being taught matches our curriculum 
      • Speaking to children (pupil conferencing) to ensure they understand and are retaining what is being taught 
      • Completing lesson walks to see the quality of teaching for that subject area 
      • Ensuring resources to teach the subject are suitable
      • Checking the subject policy and maintaining a subject action plan (which links to our overall School Development Plan)
  • Excellent communication between all staff:
    • All staff that need to be, are aware of personalised learning plans, support  (academic, behavioural and regarding wellbeing) that is in place for specific children
    • Breaktime and Lunchtime supervisor staff liaise with Class Teachers/those responsible for the class regarding medical/behavioural/social matters that may have arisen at these times so support can be provided/parents informed etc. (any accident that occurs throughout the day - that has been witnessed by staff or we have been informed about - is logged in an accident book and a copy given to parents)
    • Staff receive a weekly written update from the Headteacher so that ALL staff are aware of important news and upcoming events 
    • Staff receive a monthly safeguarding update from the Headteacher so that ALL staff are aware of the latest safeguarding news and practices
  • We have a fully qualified and experienced Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo) who meets with parents alongside Class Teachers at least termly to monitor personalised support given to individual children and discuss next steps
  • For other children who require it, we have a comprehensive intervention programme to ensure all children receive the support needed to try to reach age related expectations
  • We have fully qualified and experienced Wellbeing Leaders who ensure the general wellbeing support we offer in school helps children settle into school and be ready to learn.  They also provide personalised support for children who may need it 
  • Our Safeguarding Officers are all trained to the same level and meet regularly so that any one of our Officers can manage any safeguarding matters that may arise in school 
  • Alongside our curriculum, we teach children about Values Education and Growth Mindset Superhero Learning Powers, in line with our overall school vision, so that the children know they can achieve anything they strive to AND be effective, caring and respectful citizens now and in the future
  • Teachers are accessible on the classroom doors most mornings and afternoons, as the first port of call for any parents who need to speak to them.  Unlike other schools, we also produce a written report for parents on a termly basis, highlighting children's strengths, areas for development and how these can be supported at home