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Clophill St Marys CofE lower school

Please find information below on upcoming virtual psychoeducation workshops which CHUMS are offering to families in Bedfordshire and Luton.  All workshops are delivered via Microsoft Teams video call and last approximately 2 hours.  Families mu

Pupil Wellbeing Support for Parents

Central Bedfordshire Council Webpage: Parents and carer's mental health support for their child/children:

Please click here to see the upcoming training available to Parents/Carers and information about different mental health aspects:


Other support:


Some children told us that they struggle to attend school due to feelings of anxiety, or other mental health worries. Find top tips from the NHS for looking after a child with mental health difficulties and advice for looking after your own mental health here:


BBC Bitesize share wellbeing tips for parents to help you support a healthy, happy childhood – with advice on food, sleep, mindfulness, as well as ways to look after you and your child’s mental health:


How to help your child understand upsetting news.  BBC Bitesize Parents’ Toolkit is the place for mums, dads, carers, and the whole parenting community to find stories, expert advice and fun activities that will help you support your child in a changing world:


https://parentzone.org.uk/Ollee - Ollee is a virtual friend developed by Parent Zone and funded by BBC Children in Need's A Million & Me initiative.  Aimed at 8-11 year olds and their parents, Ollee helps families talk about difficult topics.

When emotions explode - ways to give support to children when they have angry feelings or outbursts that may help families to start a conversation and talk about each other's feelings.

Young Minds - supporting Parents with their child's mental health

Everyone has different eating habits.  If you're worried about your child's relationship with food or their body, the following webpage might help: Action For Children - Child Eating Habits

How you feel matters - Getting help in Bedfordshire.  A list of organisations to help with wellbeing needs in Bedfordshire: How you feel matters - Getting help in Bedfordshire

Please click here to find a helpline number for parents regarding their child's sleep: National Sleep Helpline: Supporting your child with sleep issues

Time to Talk Day (February)

Time to Talk Day aims to get people to open up about mental health - to talk, to listen and to change lives. To encourage children to talk about their feelings we have saved two resources below that you may find useful:
Feelings Wheel
Supporting Children's Mental Health Information for Parents and Carers