New Admissions
Welcome to St. Mary's Lower School and Nursery!
After confirming your place with the Local Authority and St. Mary's, please complete the following information. We appreciate this is a lot of information, but please work your way through each section right until the end of the page :-).
If you have any questions, please contact the School Office:
Clophill St Marys Pupil/Parent Information Form:
Please only complete this form after you have had a conversation with our School Office about your child starting school with us:
ACORN NURSERY PARENTS ONLY: Nursery Sesssions Booking Form:
If you are new to the Nursery, please only complete this form after you have had a conversation with our Nursery Team about your child starting with us.
If you are an exisiting Nursery parent, please use this form to amend your hours, emailing to advise us if you have submitted a new form.
Specific consent for photographs on Facebook and/or the School Website: ALL PUPILS:
Consent to interact with Jake, our School Dog: ALL PUPILS:
If you need any additional information about Jake, our School Dog, please see our School Dog Policy here or page especially about Jake here.
Applying for School Milk:
If you wish your child to have daily access to milk, please read the information leaflet below:
Cool Milk Parent/Carer Information Leaflet
Children under 5 are entitled to free milk. Parents are required to pay for milk for children over 5. To apply and pay (if relevant) for milk for your child, please click the link below to register. If your child is eligible for Free School Meals/Pupil Premium financial support, please contact the school as we can purchase milk for you instead (if or when your child is over 5):
Acceptable Use of the Internet (parent/carer form): ALL PARENTS
As part of our ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) and Internet Acceptable Use Policy, we have created agreements for Parents, Pupils and Staff in order to ensure acceptable use of the internet, as well as our other computing equipment (for Pupils and Staff). Please read and complete the following form below.
Acceptable Use of the Internet: Parents/Carers
Acceptable use of the internet (pupil form): PUPILS FROM RECEPTION UPWARDS
As part of our ICT (Information, Communications and Technology) and Internet Acceptable Use Policy policy, we have created agreements for Parents, Pupils and Staff in order to ensure acceptable use of the internet, as well as our other computing equipment (for Pupils and Staff). Please read and complete the following form below with your child.
Acceptable Use of the Internet: Pupils
Home-School/Nursery Agreement: ALL PARENTS AND PUPILS:
Please complete our Home-School/Nursery Agreement with your child wherever possible:
Friends of St. Mary's (FOSM) - our PTA (Parent/Teacher Association):
If you are interested in finding out more about our FOSM or joining the team. Please read the letter below and complete the Google Form.
School Grid: School Dinners:
We use a system called School Grid for parents to order and pay for School Dinners for their children. Once we have received your Pupil/Parent form, we will create you an account and send you a log in for this.
On a daily basis, you can choose to send your child in with a packed lunch or order them a School Dinner.
If you wish your child to have a School Dinner, please complete School Grid by 08:55 on the morning of the day the meal is required. We are not able to book lunches for you.
School Dinners should be paid for at the time of booking ideally, as meals cannot be provided for any child who has an arrears of £20 or more (for children in Nursery, Years 3 and 4. Reception, Years 1 and 2 are still offered Universal Free School Meals paid for by the Government). Parents can set up a Direct Debit to automatically credit their School Grid account.
For more information about our School Dinners, please click here.
School Money: School Payment System:
We use School Money for club bookings (including FunZone our before and after school club) and all other payments e.g. trips, visits. Once we have received your Pupil/Parent form and input it in our system, you will receive a login to the email address you provide.
For more information about our School Money system, including some helpful user guide information, please click here. On this web page, you can also find information on Childcare Vouchers which we only accept for clubs (including FunZone).
We are delighted to be able to provide a method of sharing pupils Nursery/School life with parents as well as an easy way for parents to share their child’s achievements at home with us. We create individual ‘learning journeys’ for each child in Acorn and Chestnut through a piece of educational software called ‘Tapestry’.
For more information about Tapestry and to sign up to access it, please click on the link below:
Please only complete this form after you have had a conversation with our Nursery Team about your child starting with us in Acorn Nursery.
What does my child need on a daily basis:
Each day, your child will need:
- A named water bottle
- Wellies (so children can play outside in all weathers - ideally to be left at school)
- To wear either P.E. kit or School Uniform unless we are holding a charity day. For information on what Uniform your child needs, please click here. You will be informed, via Class Curriculum Letters, when your child's P.E. days will be. Class Curriculum Letters can be found here and we also announce when new ones are uploaded.
- Their reading book (when they are given one from Reception onwards)
General information for Parents/Carers:
Central Bedfordshire has created 'Sixteen Ticks', a document of 16 things they advise that children need to know before they are ready to learn/start school (from Reception). Please check the document below and try to ensure your child/children can complete the sixteen ticks before they join us. It will really help your child/children be ready to learn:
Most information Parents/Carers need can be found here, on our School Website.
We also send out Find Out Friday each Friday with important information and updates in that all Parents/Carers must read (and action if necessary). Find Out Fridays are always uploaded here.
We regularly share updates with parents via our Facebook page, so please join it:
We send out termly WOW moments to celebrate all of our achievements that term. These are always uploaded here.
Your child will be placed in a Colour Team during their time with us. We will email you to inform you which Colour Team your child will join. Siblings/family members are usually put in the same Colour Team.