St Mary's Curriculum
I love school and I love learning.
I like that I get to learn new things.
(Pupil Questionnaire Feedback 2022-2023)
We all grow together, rooted in Values.
Intent: Our Vision for the Curriculum:
At St. Mary’s, we provide an exciting curriculum which is effectively adapted in order to include and inspire all children academically. Our curriculum is underpinned by our Values and Growth Mindset Learning Power Heroes (themed around the aspects of persevering, trying, co-operating, concentrating, being curious, improving, using imagination and enjoying work). This ensures our curriculum is relevant to our pupils now and in their future, providing the opportunity for every child to become a caring, resilient and respectful member of the community and society as a whole.
Implementation: How do we achieve our Intent?:
- Quality first teaching in every classroom with a clear lesson structure which provides opportunity for reflection and adaptation, including challenge
- Clear learning objectives and success criteria for every lesson which are shared so the children understand what is being taught during the lesson and which are directly related to the Early Years Framework for Nursery and Reception and the National Curriculum for Years 1-4
- A progressive curriculum developing children’s knowledge and skills across all subjects from Nursery to Year 4:
English | Mathematics | Science |
Religious Education (R.E.) |
Computing |
Physical Education (P.E.) |
History | Geography | Art and Design |
Design and Technology |
Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE) |
Our Curriculum
Music |
French (Key Stage 2) |
- Meaningful links between other subjects and our topics where relevant and useful to the pupils (e.g. texts used in English lessons)
- “In-lesson marking” which allows pupils to receive immediate feedback and the chance to amend and enhance their work during the lesson
- Providing Professional Development to staff, including subject leadership, to ensure everyone’s classroom practise is relevant and effective
- Regular monitoring of teaching and learning involving subject leaders and outside professionals (School Improvement Partner, local cluster schools)
- Encouraging parental involvement in their child’s learning through meetings, Tapestry, open day events, assemblies and termly class letters which include curriculum information
- Personalised interventions for those requiring additional support, academically as well as socially and emotionally, which are monitored and reviewed regularly by our trained and experienced Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Co-ordinator (SENDCo)
- Enhancing our curriculum through:
Trips | Themed Days | Visitors |
Community Events |
Sporting Events |
- Providing a range of additional activities before school, during lunchtime and after school which provide additional opportunities for children to extend and develop their own learning:
Tennis | Cricket |
Nutritional Ninjas |
Football (Luton Town) |
Studio for Performing Arts |
Maypole | Cookery | Gym Club | Multi-Sports |
Science Club
Street Dance |
Gardening Club |
Sports Leaders Lunchtime Club |
A link to the Early Years Foundation Stage Framework for Nursery and Reception can be found here:
Early Years Foundation Stage Framework
A link to the National Curriculum for Year 1-4 can be found here:
Please see our termly curriculum letters for Parents or individual curriculum pages for further information on what is taught throughout the school.
Impact: How do we measure our Implementation?:
- Rigorous and detailed tracking of progress and attainment in all areas of the curriculum, including discussions with pupils and reviewing work in pupils’ books
- By attaining annual end of year results in all core areas that are consistently above both Local and National standards
For more information about the impact of our curriculum, please visit our page on Our Results.
For more information about our curriculum, please see our Class Curriculum Letters page or the individual Curriculum pages on our website.