R.E. (Religious Education)
It is our aim that children move on from St Mary’s with a growing wisdom, stemming from curiosity and the joy of learning new things. We also aim for children to have a developing understanding of the significance and impact of religious and non-religious beliefs and the ability to articulate their personal beliefs, ideas and values coherently, whilst respecting that others have the right to differing views or beliefs.
Mrs. Arnold is our R.E. Co-ordinator.
At St. Mary's we follow the R.E. Agreed Syllabus 2018-2023 for Bedford Borough, Central Bedfordshire and Luton.
The following table shows which R.E. topics are taught throughout the school:
Autumn Term | Spring Term | Summer Term | |
Acorn (Nursery) |
Why do Christians celebrate Harvest and Christmas? | Why do Christians celebrate Easter? | What do others believe, what are some different beliefs? |
Chestnut (Reception) |
Why is Christmas special for Christians? |
Being Special: Where do we belong?
Why is Easter special for Christians? |
Which places are specifically valued and why?
Which stories are specifically valued and why? |
Birch (Year 1) |
What do Christians believe about God?
Why does Christmas matter to Christians?
How and why do we celebrate special times? |
Who is Muslim? Why do they believe and how do they live?
Why does Easter matter to Christians? |
What makes some places significant? What makes some places sacred to believers? |
Hazel (Year 2) |
What can we learn from sacred books and stories?
How and why do we celebrate significant times? What makes some celebrations sacred to believers? |
How do we show we care for others? Why does it matter?
How do we show we care for the Earth? Why does it matter? |
Who is an inspiring person? What stories inspire Christian, Muslim/Jewish people?
What is the ‘good news’ Christians believe Jesus brings? |
Key Stage 2: Rowan and Oak (Year 3&4) Cycle 1 |
Where, how and why do people worship? Muslims, Jewish people, Christianity
How do festivals and family life show what matters to Jewish people? Judaism – Passover, Rosh Hashanah, Yom Kippur |
What kind of world did Jesus want? Christianity – Matthew 4:18-22 (First Disciples), Mark 1:40-44 (Healing of Leper)
How do festivals and worship show what matters to Muslims? Islam – Eid-ul-fitr/Ramadan |
For Christians, what was the impact of Pentecost? Christianity – Acts 2:1-15, 22 and 37-41, Acts 2:41-47
What are the deeper meanings of the festivals? Hinduism, Sikhism, non-religious celebrations – Diwali, Vaisakhi, Remembrance Day |
Key Stage 2: Rowan and Oak (Year 3&4) Cycle 2 |
How is faith expressed in Sikh communities and traditions? Sikhism
What is the ‘Trinity’ and why is it important for Christians?Christianity |
How is faith expressed in Hindu communities and traditions? Hinduism
Why do Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’? Christianity |
Why do some people think life is like a journey? How and why do people mark the significant events of life? Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, non-religious people
How and why do people try to make the world a better place? Christianity, Islam, Sikhism, non-religious people |
All children are assessed in Religious Education by their teachers, on a termly basis. Mrs. Arnold then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area. This information informs future teaching and learning in Religious Education.
Mrs. Arnold is currently working towards a middle leadership award through InspiREd.
For more information, please also see our Religious Education, including Social, Moral, Spiritual and Cultural Education Policy on the Policies page.