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Clophill St Marys CofE lower school



At St Mary’s, we want our children to understand their place in the world. Our intent is to inspire lifelong curiosity about the human and natural worlds at local, national and global levels. We aim to encourage inquisitiveness and practical investigations that develop children’s skills in recording and presenting findings that are transferrable throughout the curriculum. Our children will develop understanding and appreciation about a diversity of places and people as well as the world’s landforms and resources. They will be encouraged to recognise the interactions between humans and their environment and their responsibilities in this relationship.  Children will be given the confidence to debate topics they feel passionate about and given opportunities to develop their cultural capital and experiences of the world.


Mrs. Woodcraft is our Geography Co-ordinator.

At St. Mary's, Geography is taught through "Understanding the World" within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Acorn and Chestnut (Nursery and Reception):

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

We teach the Geography National Curriculum in Birch to Oak (Years 1 to 4):

Geography Programmes of Study Key Stages 1 and 2

From Year 1 to 4 (Birch to Oak) we use the Kapow curriculum scheme to teach Geography.  

Kapow has been chosen as our main scheme of work as it is a well-sequenced curriculum which shows good progression of learning.  The units are appropriate and inspiring for our children and fieldwork is integrated into all topics. 

We also subscribe to Digimap for Schools to enchance our Geography lessons within school.  Digimap allows the children to access a range of maps from around the world and develop their map reading, digital and data skills at the same time!  

The following table shows which Geography topics are taught throughout the school:


Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2



Cycle 1




Me and My World:

Where we live – physical features of our home

Autumn – weather and environmental changes

How to travel the world

Special People:

Locations of emergency services buildings

Winter and Spring – weather and environmental changes

Amazing Animals:


Learn about some different countries and the animals found there

Explore the features of the jungle

Compare the weather at home to other places of personal interest

Identify seasonal patterns of plants and animals




Cycle 2




Me and My World:

Where we live – physical features of our home

Autumn – weather and environmental changes

How to travel the world

Once Upon a Time:

Physical features of caves, forests, swamps and mountains

Winter and Spring – weather and environmental changes

Come Outside:


To know what a map is and what it is used for

To look at the physical features of a farm

To know that some food comes from farms

Identify seasonal patterns of plants and animals 










Cycle 1



Me and My World:

Where we live – who lives there

Comparing houses in the village

Making a basic map of the school

Autumn – weather and environmental changes

Milton Keynes panto trip – journey, distance and simple differences with Clophill

Special People:

Features and locations of emergency service buildings – using a map and marking in relation to Clophill

Introduction to Digimaps

Winter and Spring – weather and environmental changes


Amazing Animals:

Jungles – locating on a map, physical features and animals found there

Comparing weather here to South America

Journey of a banana to us

Zoo trip – using a map to navigate around

Summer – weather and environmental changes



Cycle 2


Me and My World:

Where we live – who lives there

Comparing houses in the village

Making a basic map of the school

Autumn – weather and environmental changes

Milton Keynes panto trip – journey, distance and simple differences with Clophill

Once Upon a Time:

Physical features of caves, forests, swamps and mountains

Location of nearest Castle

Introduction to Digimaps

Winter and Spring – weather and environmental changes

Come Outside:

Farms – locating on a map, field use, drawing maps

Comparing weather here to Asia

Farm to fork

Farm trip – using a map to navigate around

Summer – weather and environmental changes








Year 1


What is it like here?

 What is the weather like in the UK? 

What is like living in Shanghai?





Year 2


Would you prefer to live in a hot or cold place?

Why is our world wonderful?

What is it like to live by the coast?





Year 3 and 4

(Rowan and Oak)

Cycle 1
What are rivers and how are they used? Why are rainforests important to us? Where does our food come from?
Cycle 2
Why do people live near volcanoes? Who lives in Antarctica? Are all settlements the same?

As a school we also subscribe to the Geographical Association to support our knowledge, understanding and development of the subject.


All children are assessed in Geography by their teachers, on a termly basis.  Mrs. Woocraft  then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area.  This information informs future teaching and learning in Geography.