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Clophill St Marys CofE lower school

Design & Technology (D&T)


Through our Design and Technology curriculum we will provide the opportunity for children to design, make and evaluate a range of models and food items using a range of tools and resources which support an intended purpose or outcome and which enhance and compliment our chosen topic for the term. 


Mrs. Paine is the Design and Technology Co-ordinator.  

At St. Mary's, D&T is taught through "Expressive Arts and Design"  within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Acorn and Chestnut (Nursery and Reception):

Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

We teach the D&T National Curriculum in Birch to Oak (Years 1 to 4):

Design and Technology Programmes of Study Key Stages 1 and 2

From Year R to Year 4 (Chestnut to Oak) we use the Kapow curriculum scheme for teaching D&T.  Early Years also includes a number of seasonal crafts/projects and continuous provision in their learning. 

The following table shows which Design and Technology topics are taught throughout the school:


Autumn Term

Spring Term

Summer Term



Seasonal projects

Seasonal projects

Seasonal projects










Structures - Junk Modelling

Seasonal projects

Seasonal projects

Structures - Boats

Seasonal projects









Year 1

 Structures - Constructing a Windmill

 Textiles - Puppets

Cooking and Nutrition - Smoothies









Year 2

Textiles - Pouches

 Mechanisms - Making a moving Monster

Structures - Baby Bears Chair









Year 3

Textiles: Cushions

Structures - Constructing a Castle

Cooking and Nutrition - Eating Seasonally

Electrical Systems - Electric Poster









Year 4

Structure - Pavilions

 Mechanical Systems - Making a Slingshot Car

 Electrical Systems - Torches








We teach D&T through the 5 areas of:

  • Designing
  • Making
  • Evaluating
  • Technical Knowledge
  • Cooking and Nutrition

As a school we subscribe to the Design and Technology Association to support our knowledge, understanding and development of the subject. 


All children are assessed in D&T by their teachers, on a termly basis.  Mrs. Paine then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area.  This information informs future teaching and learning in D&T.