A high-quality computing education equips our children to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world. Computing has deep links with mathematics, science, and design and technology, and provides insights into both natural and artificial systems. We ensure that our children become digitally literate – able to use, and express themselves and develop their ideas through, information and communication technology – at a level suitable for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.
Mrs. Hickman is our Computing Co-ordinator.
At St. Mary's, Computing is taught through "Understanding the World" and is in elements of "Physical Development" within the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum in Acorn and Chestnut (Nursery and Reception):
Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage
We teach the Computing National Curriculum in Birch to Oak (Years 1 to 4):
Computing Programmes of Study Key Stages 1 and 2
The following table shows which Computing topics are taught throughout the school. We use Purple Mash to deliver our Computing curriculum:
Autumn 1 |
Autumn 2 |
Spring 1 |
Spring 2 |
Summer 1 |
Summer 2 |
Acorn (Nursery)
Understanding Technology Choosing, navigating around and closing programs Drawing a picture |
Online Safety Choosing videos, start, stop and pause them |
Reviewing Online Safety Check if answers are correct to problems using Topmarks and Mini Mash |
Chestnut (Reception)
Online Safety |
Communication and Language - being imaginative Expressive Arts - Exploring and using media |
Literacy - Reading and Writing |
Maths - Numbers, Shape, Space and Measure |
Physical Development - Health and Self-care PSED - Making relationships
Understanding the World - People and the Community, Technology and the world |
Birch (Year 1)
Online Safety & Exploring Purple Mash Grouping and Sorting
Pictograms Lego Builders |
Maze Explorers Animated Story Books |
Coding |
Spreadsheets |
Technology Outside School |
Hazel (Year 2)
Online Safety Coding
Spreadsheets |
Questionning Effective Searching |
Creating Pictures |
Making Music |
Presenting ideas |
Rowan (Year 3)
Online Safety Coding |
Spreadsheets |
Touch-typing |
Branching databases Simulations |
Graphing |
Oak (Year 4) |
Online Safety Coding |
Spreadsheets |
Writing for different audiences Logo |
Animation |
Effective Searching Hardware investigators |
Making Music |
All children are assessed in Computing by their teachers, on a termly basis. Mrs. Hickman then analyses the attainment and progress of the whole school in this area. This information informs future teaching and learning in Computing.